Tuesday 3 August 2010

Teesside Times...

Soooo...today's been a long day. Bitta florence waking me up at like 6 a.m after less than 5 hours sleep..that wasn't too fun :(

Adam came round at 7:01...a WHOLE MINUTE LATE!!! =0 I was dissappointed to say the least :( and then after we got last few bits ready, off in the car it was =]

The usual bit of Smoooooth...Radiooo-oooooo for the first half of the trip, laughin at mum gettin a bit too sad and into the 7.45 quiz :') some of those questions were a bit harsh though 0_o especially for that time! Then after my ears went POP and Smoooooth...Radiooo-oooooo wasn't so smooth after all when it lost signal, out came Mr i-pod and radio transmitter thing :D

Bar the little stop off at services and David's passenger seat road rage at women hogging middle lane on motorway, the trip there wasn't all that eventful....

Tees times started on a silly note with me and adam walking round Sainsbury's lookin for toilets which were in fact right next to entrance where we came in >.<

Then we headed sorta shop ways, and first Teessider (dunno if that's what you call them but it is now) had a go at tryin get me to sign up to film rental thing, 'til I pointed out fact I didnt have card....but the main thing about this chappy was that he within a few minutes had put himself forward for a homophobic prejudice muppet :D To cut a long story short, he didn't sound too keen on gays, and admitted he judged adam due to his scouse accent...great salesman...not.

Anyways we then wandered round every shop a few times, got myself shirt + tie for party, gave up looking for shoes and once we finally got bored, we went to the Riverside (Motherf**ker) Stadium:

Yet were probably more amused by the 'giant thing which you see on cartoons where people get finger stuck in each end...so we posed like twats >.<

Thennnnnnnn we walked back to Boro centre again, actually found a new section of shops we hadn't been in (SHOCK HORROR GASP) But as sod's law stated, as a was gettin me new SkullyCandy earphones in 1st shop...Mum phoned to say she was done -.- So back to the car it was...

To sum up journey home, we nearly died in a crash when we nearly got side swiped by some VW people carrier thing (that was scary times :'[) and I fell asleep :D

Not much else interestin has happened since then 0_o, but hey its 7 days, 2 hours and a minute 'til my birthday according to the PC so :D YAYYYYYY

Blog Out...

Monday 2 August 2010

"Tell me why?...I don't like mondays...."(8)

I really need to remember what font I use when I do these 0_o

Anywho, what's occurred since the last post I did...

Wellllllll, turns out I'm getting taken to a Marco Pierre White restaurant on my birthday >.<
For those who don't know, he's like a famous chef :') So om nom nom to that :D

Menu for the place is well posh though, 'bout half of it must be in French at least; for example, the starter I'm probably having (we checked menu online to see if we'd go there): "Cornfed Goosnargh Duck Parfait, Madeira Jelly, Toasted Brioche"....admittedly not the best example for the French but stillll! Hardly burger and chips like =]

And today was quite a borin day, hospital this morn for like check up after me op to see how mouth was etc etc. That was amusin in itself as we went to Aintree, handed the letter over in reception to find out where exactly we were going, then got (quite patronisingly) pointed out that the appointment was in Walton not Aintree :') When we finally got to right place turned out everything was fine anyway so :D  and on an even better note, Mr Consultant person said I should be fine to go scuba diving in Mexico :D YAYYYYY

Thennnn I came home and spent best bit of the day round at Adam's havin a 'jammin' session which didnt actually take off too much :') on bass + elec guitar, then swiftly moved onto good ol'd C.O.D

Then 2nd bit of my medical trippy day was then to Mr Opticians in the Strand. Fella who tested the ol' eyes had best name everrr :Pankaj Bajaj :') Woopa! But yeah...Turns out my left eye got like the smallest bit worse possbile (DUM DUM DUMMMMMM) and even though I didn't really need them, cos I sorta maybe said I was still in college ( a sorta am (A) ) I pretty much got a new spare pair for free xD

Finally I came home and got bored again...as per...

But WHEYYYY 9 days'til my b'day and 20 'til Mexicoooo XD XD XD

Blog out....

Sunday 1 August 2010

So let's try write something half decent this time:

Afternoon Folks,

Yesterday was quite a productive day I suppose, parents went away with their mates for the annual night away to celebrate their anniversaries; even though it's at the end of August, the fact that we're away (with the same couple) for their actual anniversary (the whole 25 years...somehow!) and with the party coming up etc etc they did it a bit early this year =D

But getting back on topic, this gave me and Jen the chance to run some errands shall we say, which are based around them, but are a bit secretive so can't go into it too much as i don't know who will end up reading this :D (it's nothing too big but yeah....) Yet damn the stuff was more expensive than I expected it to be 0_o

Nonetheless the day came to a somewhat better end with a trip to Pizza Hut for dinner :D Even though the service was mediocre to say the least, and DAMN parents need to be bit more controlling over their children in that sort of environment. Don't get me wrong, kids are kids at end of day but there's a limit to where that excuse allows some lack of behaviour/control.

On the complete opposite, today's been a totally lazy day :D Stayed in bed watching TV 'til about 3 until the mother came home and got grumpy at me to get up =( a plus side to the day is that I'm going to ATTEMPT to eat a roast later :D first one since I had the stoopid operation so :D

So that's my weekend summed up, now let's try talk about my life at this moment in time =]:

The holidays haven't been all I thought they were going to be cracked up to be, first few weeks I wasted most days sleeping in late then just lazin' round watching the demise of our society on Jeremy Kyle; then the operation kept me home ridden for a week or so, and now I'm working pretty much every weekday, mainly childminding and for the last week before my holiday I'll be workin with my mum...not looking forward to them early starts :( But hey I'm 18 in just ten days....FINALLY!! WOOPA!!! 

Girls wise....I still like the same girl I have for the past few months and god it stresses me. Can't see myself having any chance with her really as it is, but then she says things which give me the slightest bit of (pretty much false) hope, and furthermore just to rub salt in the wounds comments regularly bout finding a decent lad..which in all honesty I see myself as. But hey it's just typical Life of David I suppose =\

The Near Future....well I'm looking forward to this month to be honest :D Actual birthday, then party, and then 5* All Inclusive in Mexico for a fortnight from the 22nd :D Just the unfortunate matter of results day on the 19th to deal with inbetween =\ Can't say I'm holding much hope, let's just hope the people of Teesside Uni are feeling nice that day :D

And on that hopeful note..Blog Out......

Let's take this blog's virginity...

Rightio....don't quite know what to say in me first little blog here -awkward silence-....

Well let's just talk about David's life (or lack of it) at the moment xD

In fact sod that.....can't be bothered at this time :') -looks at clock-...AHHH tis later than I thought...1.17 am...sleepy David :(

Shall do a proper one tomorrow :D
Maybe the metaphor about taking it's virginity wasn't so bad after all, first time never is going to be the best is it 0_o...........